Wasp Nest Removal Alexandria for all Wasp Nest problems and Wasp Nest Treatments with our fully trained and qualified Wasp Controllers in Alexandria.
Wasp Nest Removal Alexandria can help with all Wasp Problems throughout Alexandria and surrounding areas. Prices From £60 depending on access to the wasp nest
Wasp Nest Removal Alexandria offers you affordable prices and all our Pest Controllers are fully trained and qualified and will talk you through each step of the way, they will also give you advise where needed to deter Wasps from returning to your property in the future.
We also offer you a fast response to all Wasp Nest Problems 7 days a week and offering early evening and weekend appointments.
We cover all domestic and commercial properties for Wasp Nest Removal and we also offer advice on Wasps.
*IMPORTANT – If you or a member of your family suffer from an allergic reaction to wasp stings please can you make us aware of this when we call and we will then do our upmost to be at your property within the hour.
Call Today for a Quote on all your Wasp Nest Removal throughout Alexandria.
Contact us Today on 0800 6785029 for all your Wasp Control requirements
Please note: it is important that you do not go near a live wasp nest- Wasp can swarm very easily and sting, they can be dangers so it is important that you leave it to the experts.
A wasp nest can contain anything from 7,000 – a few million wasps, depending on the size of the nest. Wasp Nests are usually a light grey in colour and a small nest would be the size of a tennis ball, where a larger nest would be the size of a football and then to a beach ball size and so on.
Please see link to the Guinness book of record holders for the largest Wasp nest ever found in the UK- Link Please- http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/8191662.Massive_wasp_nest_in_city_pub
It is a good idea not to get wasps angry as if they start to feel threatened in any way they will swarm and sting you, so for your safety don’t try to destroy the nest yourself and keep your distance.
About Wasps:
A wasp nest can contain anything from 7,000 – a few million wasps, depending on the size of the nest. Wasp Nests are usually a light grey in colour and a small nest would be the size of a tennis ball, where a larger nest would be the size of a football and then to a beach ball size and so on.
Wasps can be very annoying especially in and around food or drink. Wasp will build their nest from late April in any crack or crevices as long as there is a void behind it. For Example: in the eaves of your house in a garden wall, trees, bushes, birdhouses, loft space or in chimneys.
Wasps will continue to build their nest throughout the summer months and they can reach from 2,000 to 10,000 and more wasps in a single nest. Wasp Nest Alexandria only uses the latest methods to ensure all adult insects and their larva is destroyed. We can destroy Wasp Nests for all domestic and business premises, timber yards and all other outside work places.